
Chawki Djeddi is presently working as Associate Professor in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Tebessa, Tebessa, Algeria. He received his PhD in 2014 from Badji Mokhtar-Annaba University, Annaba, Algeria and specializes in document image analysis and recognition. His research interests include image processing and pattern recognition with applications to document image analysis, content based image retrieval and signature verification on disguised signatures and skilled forgeries. He has been regularly participating in the top conferences in areas of document analysis and handwriting recognition. He has also participated in several scientific competitions (nine in total) organized in conjunction with ICDAR and ICFHR conferences. Among these competitions, two of their submitted systems were ranked first. He also had the opportunity to participate in the organization of several National and International conferences held at the University of Tebessa. In addition, he has collaborated as a member on two research projects. Currently, he is a member of the Laboratory of Mathematics, Informatics and Systems (LAMIS) at the University of Tebessa. He is also member of several scientific associations including Groupe de Recherche en Communication Ecrite (French-speaking association on handwriting recognition), Association Française pour la Reconnaissance et l'Interprétation des Formes (IAPR representative French-speaking association), the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). From 2010 onwards, he has also supervised a number of Masters Theses. As a part of his professional activities, in addition to teaching, he also takes up several administrative responsibilities as requested and when needed.

Somaya Al-Maadeed

Somaya Al-Maadeed received a PhD in computer science from Nottingham University in 2004. Following her PhD, she worked as an assistant professor (Qatar University), where she did research in the areas of biometrics, writer identification, image processing, and document analysis. She has been awarded a number of grants and has published around fifty papers in the above general areas. She organized several competitions on the area of signature verification and writer identification. She is a visiting Fellow at Northumbria University, UK since 2012. She is a senior IEEE member and a member of different international computer science committee.

Imran Siddiqi 

Imran Siddiqi is presently working as Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan. He received his PhD in 2009 from Paris Descartes University, Paris, France and specializes in document image analysis. His research interests include image processing and pattern classification with applications to document recognition, handwriting analysis and content based image and video retrieval.

Abdeljalil Gattal 

Abdeljalil Gattal was born in Algeria. He received his BS degree in Computer Science from University of Skikda (Algeria) in 2004, and MS degree in Computer Science "Information and knowledge systems" from Abbes Laghrour University of Khenchela (Algeria) in 2009. Currently, He is a PhD student at the Ecole nationale supérieure d'informatique (ESI-Algeria) in Computer Science. He is working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in University of Tebessa (Algeria) since 2009. He supervised many Master and License students. He has published a number of papers. His research interests include Image Analysis, Pattern Recognition and Recognition of handwriting.

  Sheng He  

Sheng He received his Ph.D from Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen, on March 17, 2017. During his PhD study, he worked at the project of MPS-the Medieval Paleographic Scale. His research focuses on Machine Learning, Handwritten Recognition, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing. He obtained his B. Eng. Degree and finished his master program in 2009 and 2012, respectively, both from school of automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU), shaanxi, China, under the supervision of Professor Lei Guo and Professor Junwei Han. From July to December of 2012, He worked at IBM in Xi'an.


Younes Akbari received his PhD degree in Applied Mathematics from Semnan University, Semnan, Iran, in 2017. His research interests include pattern recognition, neural networks, document analysis, mainly in recognition of courtesy amounts and legal amounts, verification and recognition of off-line signatures on Persian handwritten bank checks.


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